Tag: moving


We’re moved into the house enough to find the measuring cups, toilet paper, underwear, and the Wii. The kids are done with their camps. It’s the middle of July. No one goes outside – except to swim – in...

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The car drive from Utah to Texas was especially exhausting for me due to the glowering, the sulking, and the word “ridiculous” (repeated at least a thousand times) emanating from the back seat, where Kirsten (age 14) happened to...

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Finding Her Place There

Published in Wasatch Woman Magazine,  April 2010 (click HERE for the link) A few weeks ago, Jeff and I were on a date & got stuck behind a slow-moving Uhaul. It was already dark, & it became clear that the female...

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10% of all proceeds from SusieBoyce.org donated to A Child’s Hope Foundation

Reading is like breathing in, writing is like breathing out.

Pam Allyn

When one teaches, two learn.

Robert Heinlein

If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.

Mother Teresa