Graffiti or Fondant?
Dad vs. Kirsten: The Graffiti Debate Kirsten: Graffiti is...
Read MorePosted by Susie Boyce | Jan 28, 2010 | Stories |
Dad vs. Kirsten: The Graffiti Debate Kirsten: Graffiti is...
Read MorePosted by Susie Boyce | Nov 30, 2009 | Published, Stories |
Shortened version of this story published in Wasatch Woman Magazine, December 2010 (click...
Read MorePosted by Susie Boyce | Oct 18, 2009 | Stories |
Host Seth Part I: The Curious Bumps Seth shows Mom a curious patch of bumps on his stomach. After determining that they don’t hurt, Mom ignores the problem until she guilts herself into taking Seth to the...
Read MorePosted by Susie Boyce | Oct 12, 2009 | Stories |
The first words that come out of the kids’ mouths when they come home from school usually represent the most important/most traumatic/most exciting thing that happened to them that day. So I try to listen carefully and...
Read MorePosted by Susie Boyce | Oct 6, 2009 | Stories |
In a futile attempt to de-clutter a junk drawer near our computer, I pulled out a picture from far...
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Reading is like breathing in, writing is like breathing out.
Pam Allyn
When one teaches, two learn.
Robert Heinlein
If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.
Mother Teresa
“Very encouraging and motivational.”
“You're great!”
“You have a gift for writing and teaching!”
“Just wanted to THANK YOU so much for the online writing class. It was just what I needed to give me the extra push to try to make writing a daily habit. I really liked your worksheets and the suggestions. They helped me with many things I hadn't thought of. If you do other classes, let me know.”
“All of the info given was very helpful in honing in on good writing tools. I also loved getting to know others through the sharing of their stories.”