After extensive research but without actually talking to anyone who has ever been there, Jeff suggested we drive for 12 hours to Navarre Beach, Florida (between Destin & Pensacola) for Spring Break. I asked him very politely if he was nuts. He reminded me that when we lived in Utah we were more than willing to drive for 12 hours to San Diego. I argued that the weather wouldn’t likely cooperate & that it would be expensive. He told me about an inexpensive condo complex on the beach with a heated pool. And all of the area attractions that could be visited should the weather not be beach-perfect. I explained how much work it would be. He pinky promised that he would help. A lot.
Sighing, I agreed to go.
Had I not, here are a few things (it was hard to decide which of the 200 pics to post) we would have missed.
Sunrise walks along the beach |
Kite Flying |
Shell collecting |
Teenage siblings getting along, smiling at each other even |
Visiting the National Aviation Museum, home of the Blue Angels |
Quality, nag-free time with kids |
Quality, nag-free time with hubby |
Brother time |
Catching the waves |
Seeing dozens of real live alligators at Fudpuckers in Destin, Florida |
Riding the Sea Blaster in the Destin Harbor (my sister Jenn & nephew Josh were with us) |
Dozens of dolphins |
Sunsets |
Teenage kids playing with younger kids without rolling their eyes |
Jeff kept his pinky promise. He helped. A lot.
The vacation was practically perfect in every way.
Except for the part when one of my children threw up all over me (and his or herself) right before we were climbing into the van for the return trip home. And the other part when, on Highway 10 in Louisiana, the lid to our car top carrier came unhinged thereby releasing personal belongings such as sand toys, a sleeping bag, and a pillow onto the road. Angels from heaven in the form of highway clean up crew members driving trucks with blinking lights and wearing bright orange vests were on the scene in seconds and had us on our way in no time. We said a few prayers of thankful relief that no one had been hurt. Our sleeping bag has seen better days, & the pillow had thick steel wires protruding out of it. I threw it away.
Like I said, practically perfect. Absolutely perfect would be boring.
Looked wonderful! I was here with snow and cold! Jealous and would have loved to go! Good for you finding this spot!
I am having a hard time believing that the kids are in the water withOUT wet suits! It looks too good to be true. Great pictures.
Good job! We had a lot of driving, lots of good visits, but not enough relaxing. I might have vacation envy… except for the vomit part.
So fun! Every once in a while it's good to listen to our husbands. 😉 I'm so glad you got to have this special time with your family. I miss you, Susie.
You're right. Next time we are DEFINITELY coming with you!!! Looks awesome!!!
AWESOME. Can't wait to hear more about it.
Sounds so nice! I may have to get your info and take a trip there with my family this summer! I want to see dolphins!
What a fun spring break! Who doesn't love a good trip to the beach. 🙂