Author: Susie Boyce

I Wish He Were Mostly Dead

Published in Stillwater News Press, November 2010Published with Allen Publishing, April 2011 (click HERE for the link) He is so immature! He is the most annoying brother on the planet, and doesn’t even try to be nice to me.”...

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Camping in the Rain

Published for Allen Publishing – March 2011 (click HERE for the link) The idea of stuffing camping gear and kids and food and entertainment necessities into and on top of a van and driving for four and a half hours made me...

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Gazillion Dollars. Per Kid.

I’ve heard estimates about how much money it takes to raise a kid these days.  Without taking the time to look it up, it seems like the number is somewhere in the gazillion dollar range.  Enough to make you think...

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Reading is like breathing in, writing is like breathing out.

Pam Allyn

When one teaches, two learn.

Robert Heinlein

If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.

Mother Teresa